In the Laboratory of the pharmaco-technological research are performed to develop the composition and technology of dosage forms at the scientific, master's, PhD and doctoral dissertations theses performance.
On the basis of complex pharmaco-technological and physico-chemical research, using methods of mathematical planning of the experiment, the optimal composition and technology of tablets based on dry oregano extract for cavity use in the oral has been theoretically and experimentally substantiated, their antimicrobial activity has been confirmed, quality indicators are investigated the conditions and term of their storage are established; the composition and technology of instant captopril films by watering with solvent evaporation has been scientifically substantiated and experimentally confirmed for the treatment of hypertension, chronic heart failure, the effect of excipients on the technological properties of quickly soluble films was studied using analysis of variance; the optimal composition, rational technology of medical / hemostatic sponges and gel based on cryolyophilized xenoderm of pig skin has been developed, the composition and technology of tablets by direct compression with lyophilized drone homogenate powder with antioxidant, immunotropic, adaptogenic and adaptogenic, anabolic activities has been developed; the composition of excipients and the technology of tablets based on the extract of thick primrose fine-toothed; the composition and technology of dried chrysanthemum flowers of the garden variety Pectoral with proven pharmacological activity were developed; the optimal composition and technology of combined tablets of amlodipine and enalapril by compression with pre-wet granulation for the treatment of hypertension have been developed; the influence of excipients on the properties of tablets based on dry extract of herb as an effective and safe gastro- and hepatoprotector was studied; the optimal composition and technology of tablets based on dry extracts of blood-red geranium and Siberian geranium with essential oil of sage with proven antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity has been theoretically and experimentally substantiated; the composition and technology of the asterisk extract were developed, its anti-inflammatory activity was studied in the model of carrageenan edema, its dose-dependent effect on the development of carrageenan inflammation was revealed, its prospects for creating phytopreparations based on it were established.
5 theses, 6 master's theses and one dissertation have been performed on the basis of the laboratory in the period from 2019 to 2021.
Interdepartmental initiative research work on the topic: "Research on the creation of targeted drugs, their standardization, and marketing and pharmacoeconomic analysis, pharmacological and clinical activity" is carry out.
Directions of further scientific research of Lab:
1. Pharmaco-technological research on the development of drugs based on herbal and animal raw materials:
• tinctures,
• extracts,
• juices,
• lyophilized phytosubstances;
2. Pharmaco-technological and biopharmaceutical research on the development of the composition and technology of solid dosage forms:
• powders,
• granules,
• tablets,
• tablets with shells,
• hard capsules.